... easing into semi-retirement, having lots of creative adventures and enjoying being a (relatively) new Granny.

Monday, 1 February 2016

Starting School 1935 - week 5

When I was eight and Kevin turned five I was so excited to be finally going to the bush school six miles away rather than staying at home with Mother and the babies. Father had decided that I was old enough to drive us in the horse and sulky. 
After breakfast we had to catch Milly our horse and hitch her to the sulky. During the school day, she roamed loose in the small horse paddock. After school we had to catch her again for the journey home.
When our sister Joy started school the next year she needed help to climb into the sulky so Kevin and I would boost her up while she held the reins. We would jump up and squeeze onto the narrow wooden seat either side of her. 
One especially hot day we sped home through the shimmering heat and dust, feeling every bump on the winding dirt track, eager for a swim in the dam before tea time. Suddenly Milly picked up speed, going faster and faster down the driveway towards our home, frantically shaking her head as a wasp buzzed in her ear. 
The sulky swayed precariously, Kevin and I jumped clear as Milly slowed on a corner but Joy still clung to the seat screaming wildly. Nearing the stable and recognizing her home Milly then stopped dead. 
We scurried to help Joy down from the sulky as Mother appeared. 
“Alick ! What were you thinking leaving your sister in that sulky? Who knows what could have happened to her!”....................... 

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