Creative people are self absorbed and can be unreliable. They often use their 'creativity ' as an excuse for their lack of social skills and awareness. A creative person is one who can take an idea and run with it, often much further than ordinary old me would or could do. I spend a lot of time asking myself what is the right way to do something, “what is the right answer?” and I can get bogged down in this self-doubt. I imagine that a creative person would be able to throw him/herself into a project or a problem whole heartedly and not be bogged down in the intricacies of ‘tidying up’ or finishing correctly. A creative person has no time constraints or idea of the right or wrong way to do something; they are able to just get on and create something.
In my mind I often judge the so-called creative people, perhaps because I want to be more like them and less constrained by everyday life. I think they are often extroverted, loud and draw attention to themselves; they have no interest in other people and exist only to maintain their own creative lifestyle. I also feel that they are unreliable because they are so caught up in the ‘creative muse’.
However, I think now that I have all these prejudices against creative people because I envy them their ability to be so focussed on an idea and wish I could do the same. I feel sure that I too could be creative if only I had the time, the motivation etc.
I think in particular of our friend ZK who revelled in the idea of being a creative person. She was so self absorbed and so indulged by those around her, that she had no idea of the interests, talents or abilities of anyone else.
Here I am thinking of myself; perhaps I could be creative if someone asked me the right questions
gave me the right amount of encouragement
What are some characteristics of creative people? (Timer set for 20 minutes)
What are some characteristics of creative people? (Timer set for 20 minutes)
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