... easing into semi-retirement, having lots of creative adventures and enjoying being a (relatively) new Granny.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Thoughts on Home

Home is where people welcome you
you feel comfortable , able to relax and be yourself.

I always consider myself a “homebody”. What do I really mean by this?

I enjoy my own company in the comfort of my own home …peace and quiet, no distractions … “thinking” time. Home is familiar… the same routines, same things around me, same people around me… control over my environment? I can only relax when I am assured that everyone who should be under my roof is under my roof.

I have lived in this house for almost 13 years and I definitely consider it my home. Of course there are things I would like to change about it, but basically I am content with it as it is. Sometimes I wonder whether I could walk away and leave this house – if I did what would I take with me to make my next house my home?

I used to say I would always want to save my books and photos first if I were caught in a fire or flood, but now I don’t think so. There is really nothing that I am so very attached to that I would rush to save in an emergency; photos can be copied, books can be bought again, I have no jewellery of any great value and all the memories I need I still have intact in my head.

These days I must admit that my most valued possessions are my mobile phone (because I have so many phone numbers stored in it) and my computer system (again, because I have so much of my life and business stored on it.) I have travelled overseas and coped reasonably well with strange beds, foods and customs, but the things I missed most were my phone and my computer.

I could walk away from this house and make a new home with very few possessions if I were going to a calm atmosphere where I could relax and be at peace with myself.

It seems that my thoughts about home have led me to contemplate leaving my home and this appears to be what is really concerning me at present.


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