... easing into semi-retirement, having lots of creative adventures and enjoying being a (relatively) new Granny.

Sunday 18 October 2015


This story is for my 2 grand daughters who love princesses.

Every princess has a crown or a tiara, so because I have several crowns I must be a princess. These crowns are secret and so well hidden that only one person can ever see them properly, and twice a year I go to visit him so he can check that they are still safe.

My crowns are small, well made and sensible; not showy or bejewelled, but they make my life much easier. They are made for everyday use, not just for glittering balls and other special occasions.

Surprisingly, many people have similar crowns, also well hidden, so there are many, many secret princes and princesses in the world. You could pass a person on the street and never know that he or she was also a member of royalty.

Perhaps the truth is that only the showy, extroverts wear their crowns on the outside for all the world to see. The rest of us are happy to be secret royalty and keep our crowns hidden.

I am participating in the 30 Day Blogging Challenge to try and limber up my creative muscles...https://www.facebook.com/groups/30DayBloggingChallenge/.. and this is only Day 2!

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