... easing into semi-retirement, having lots of creative adventures and enjoying being a (relatively) new Granny.

Saturday 24 October 2015

Walking Meditation

The air was still -
the sun had gone down, 
but it was still light
and the atmosphere was charmed.

Four people walking the length of the yard,
stopping and then walking back,
all the time mindful of each step,
each making the effort to walk slowly,
step by step as slowly as possible.

Three gongs in the background set the scene:
tinkle of the owl chimes
thunk of the bamboo chimes
intermittent boom of the metal gong.

For 25 minutes
we were unaware of anything or anyone else;
just concentrating on one foot after the other,
lift up then place down,
feel the tension in one leg,
and the lightness in the other.

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